Truth & Freedom

The popular saying “the truth hurts” implies that what is good (knowing truth) for us will cause us pain.  It’s no wonder why we have conditioned our minds to avoid and reject the truth at all cost, because none of us want to experience pain. However, the Bible teaches us the opposite is true; our belief in a lie is what truly hurts, and our acceptance of the truth is what sets us free (John 8:32). 

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6), giving us profound principles to help us attain freedom in our lives.


  1. Know the truth.  The way we can know the truth is to know Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with Him and by reading the Word. We must stop listening to worldly “experts” who think they know what’s best for us , what life is about, who God is and how to get to Heaven . Know Jesus, know truth. (Eph 4:21; John 14:6,17; John 8:45-47; 1 Cor 2:14)
  2. Seek the truth. Contrary to the popular opinion of many, Jesus states He is the ONLY way (to God, Heaven). As Christians we are not to follow the ways of the world and our own opinions/beliefs, which leads to bondage of worldliness and sin. Rather we are to actively, persistently, intentionally stay on the path of truth and freedom from sin by following Jesus. (Jer 29:13; 1 Cor 3:18; 2 Cor 10:5; Prov 3:3; Acts 17:11)
  3. Obey the truth. The Word instructs us to be DOERS of the Word, therefore knowing the truth is not enough. We must take action and live it out.  A godly lifestyle and our obedience to Scripture is how we obtain true freedom and how we prove that we believe that Jesus is who He says He is (God) and that the Bible is true. (James 1:22; John 14:15,23,24)


Our failure to be truth seekers and to obediently live out the truth of The Word makes us vulnerable to deception by false teaching and self-deception. To constantly reject and suppress the truth not only keeps us in bondage to sin, but can also lead us away from God (2 Tim 4:4; Rom 1:18,25; Rom 2:8,13; Matt 7:21-23).


Let’s embrace the truth of Scripture and allow it to free us. May we find rest and hope in the promise of Jesus, that He is the way that leads us to a life of peace, joy, and freedom, on earth and for eternity.
Your Sister in Christ,
Kesha Griffin


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