Career. Finances. Education. Family. To pursue such things is not inherently wrong; however, oftentimes, toiling in the world is a false attempt to fill an internal void that can only be satisfied by pursuing God and His word. In order to find genuine satisfaction in God:
- Admit that you are spiritually bankrupt.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3). This scripture emphasizes that in order to make it to heaven, you must first realize that you don’t deserve to be there. Your good work, respectful behavior and generosity will never wipe away the stain of sin. We are separated from God because of sin and if not for the death of Jesus Christ, our relationship with God would be eternally severed; however, if you admit your depravity and believe in Jesus Christ you can be reconciled to God and attain a wealth of unimaginable spiritual blessings.
- Thirst after God.
Ever been dehydrated? You try drinking a cold soda, and the sweet bubbly liquid moistens your parched mouth for a moment, but soon you become even thirstier. Water is the only drink that will adequately quench your thirst. Water is what you crave. We must have this same craving for God and His Word. When life gets dull worldly success can boost our joy for a moment, but soon you become even more lost. Jesus promises that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied (Matt. 5:6), so when emptiness invades the space where contentment once dwelled, offer yourself over to the Holy Spirit to quench your spiritual thirst.
- Spend time with God.
Build your relationship with God. The stronger your relationship the more you can enjoy Him and be satisfied that you are connected to Him. Listen to His voice through the reading of the word. Follow His commands. Praise Him for his worthiness. Openly communicate through prayer; admit your troubles, plead for wisdom and ask for replenishment.
Thanks for your response Trineda. It’s great to know this blog was a reminder for you and hopefully others and myself of the importance of thirsting after God continuously. It’s so easy to get on other stuff and not Him, we gotta stay on each other so that we all are growing in Christ together. One unified body.