DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Your life should be a reflection of Jesus Christ walking this earth. We should be upholding the standard of living that is directly in-line with the principles of God. How has your week started off so far?
Today’s passage has us take a step back and look at love from God’s standpoint. There is an underlying desire to establish oneness among the believers and that oneness is being able to share in all aspects of this life with each other. We are of the same family, so why don’t we lean on or tend to one another as necessary as family does?
Living this Christian life is difficult. Yeah, I said it! We struggle and face the world and try to be a different (godly) example every day we wake up. We are mocked, talked about, ridiculed, despised, and avoided. There is enough dislike for us in this world for a million years or more. So why do we want to face this alone when we have a body of believers; going through the same challenges and heartaches as us?
Our love should make us run to each other. It should have us cling to one another. It should have us share in this life experience together but with the power of God on our sides!!! Why do we walk around seemingly powerless…… because we don’t embrace the body of believers and the power that is in God’s family.
When we are able to get to a point where one person’s circumstances isn’t an opportunity to talk about them but to encourage them, lift them up and help them through, we will understand (a bit better) the love that is described in this verse.
When one of God’s family members benefit, we celebrate with them. When a family member suffers a loss, we join in their pain. In all things, we are one; through the good times, the bad times and the “lost your mind” times – we stick together in love.
The fact of the matter is we’re all going to go through something at one time or another. Most times someone in your godly family has had the same or similar experience. Wouldn’t you rather have a person to lean on who has been through the trial than no one at all???
We pray that today and for the rest of your week you can find a way to connect with God’s people on a deeper level; that you take the time to invest your love into God’s people– the same love Christ gave and invested into you……Not the surface stuff! Have a blessed day and remember if you don’t have a church home or are looking to experience God in a new and refreshing way as He intended, DaySpring Christian Center is here and available to you. Connect with us at any time, we’re dedicated to showing you the love of Christ and living it out in a realistic way. May your heart be moved to action from this day forward. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!