Psalm 119:64

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Psalm 119:64 – The earth is filled with your love, Lord; teach me your decrees.

Today we present another simple yet power idea to help us consider why our faith in Christ is so essential and how we can look at it practically in our lives when applying it daily.

So a question for us all: Do you believe that our parents love us? Now I don’t ask this question without the realization or understanding that all of our parents may not have been the greatest or had all of the tools afforded to them but from a core standpoint that groups the majority of parents into the same circle; with that being said I’ll continue. What did their love look like? Did it discipline you when you did what was wrong in their eyes or against what they were teaching you? Did they teach you how to grow up with morals and values and to take pride in being a member of the family? Did they give you everything they had at their disposal to ensure you had everything you needed (and some of your wants)? Would you say that your parent would die for you if it was an option? Do you believe that your parents had your best interest at heart?

Now if we can agree that most of us associated love from our parents as them being available, them being around, them being there for us, them providing for us, them taking care of us, and them directing us in the right way to live and they are doing this from their imperfect humanistic standpoint, how much more should we embrace God’s love for us when he has, did, and is currently doing the same for us – but perfectly!

God as our Father has filled our lives with all of these things and even more throughout the earth. If our earthly parents have all of these seemingly great things to add to our lives, which should make our lives better if we listen to them and do what they say; don’t you think if we hear the divine instructions from God’s word about making our lives better, it would be wise to listen to him and his perfected guidance so we experience life to the full as he wishes (John 10:10)?

There is something great to be said about how much our Father in heaven loves us. He shows it in everything in our lives and the world around us. It behooves us to do unto him as we would our earthly parents; listen and applies his principles into our lives for our benefit.


Today we pray that you want to be taught by God’s words; all of his decrees and commands. In them is God’s very love for us and desire for us to have a full and prosperous life. God is the greatest parent known to mankind, if you’re listening to his word and actively implementing it into your life, you will see, feel, and experience God’s love in a great, new, and refreshing way. Let his love move you to action today. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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