Psalm 103:2-5

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 103:2-5 – Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

How good is our God to us? Today’s inspiration showcases the ability of the one true God to vanquish all of our hurts, fears, sicknesses, and even save us from ourselves. How great of a loving God we serve.

What do you do for someone who has done everything for you? YOU SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION!!!! How would you feel if you gave of yourself day after day, week after week, year after year to people who never said “thank you” or “how can I repay you?” How would you feel if you never had one person want to show you the same grace and kindness that you had shown to them? As a human, you can say what you want, but you’d be hurt. You could develop resentment or even be pushed away from ever doing for people again. We can say, “Well, that is not me”, however we may not treat a friend like that, but we’d be quick to do a family member that way. We may not treat our family like that but we’d treat someone in church that way.
David here writes that his soul praises God and doesn’t forget his benefits. Through all of the hurts, struggles and trials he faced, his soul sang out praise to God in remembrance of what God had done for him! I believe we give more power to people and circumstances than we should. Instead of focusing our energy and efforts on the negatives of people, how we’re treated or situations we face, we should be focused on remembering what God has done for us; this mindset is crucial because although troubles, trials, and heartaches will come, they should never stop us from doing the work of a Christian because of those circumstance, but we should press forward even more because we REMEMBER what GOD has done….. and is continuing to do!

Today, let’s show our appreciation to God – from our souls and not be moved by the negatives of this world but by the positives of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray this word inspires you to be renewed today in the remembrance of all that God has available for you if you don’t forget his benefits…..because they should move us to doing his work no matter what is happening in our lives. Have a blessed day and thank God today for his benefits. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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