Dayspring Daily Word of Inspiration: Hebrews 7:25 – Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
Jesus’ role in humanity is the most crucial yet beneficial role in the history of mankind. When sin entered into the world, the relationship between man and God was severed. The wall of rebellion, selfishness, and every other sin that could overtake man became a possibility. There was no hope. Mankind could have been done away with and God could have started all over and made it right at that very moment. However, this is where love begins for you and I. God forming the world as His perfect creation wasn’t done with it, nor was He done with us. Through all of the ages God was yet hopeful and faithful to the few who in turn would be faithful to Him. The hope that rested on Jesus had come into the world to make atonement; to redeem all that were lost and wanted to be back with God.
The beauty of this is that it wasn’t just for the past age or the single nation of Israel, but for the whole world and even until today! This truth is expressed vividly through the text today. As long as it is called today, we have the opportunity at repentence and establishing a connection with God through the blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. Christ makes the way to God possible again and He continues to save as many that would dedicate their lives in obedience to God through the exampled life of Christ.
He is known as the advocate, one who speaks on behalf of someone else in a courtroom setting. The lawyer of all lawyers. For the truth of the matter is that we will all have to see the Judge and give an account for our time spent on this earth. The scrutiny alone should have us consider the benefit of having a lawyer who is related to the judge vs. having no lawyer at all.
Jesus can only intercede for those who have relinquished their right be their own attorney. Putting your case in Christ’s hands is exactly what He came here to do; gather up as many cases as He could before the court date and remind the Judge that although the penalty for all of these cases is absolute death and separation from Him, the punishment for these crimes has been satisfied by His very own blood sacrifice.
Today we ask you, do you have a lawyer for your heavenly trial or are you going to defend yourself? Remember, with Christ on your side, the prosecution (the enemy) has no defense, however, when you have no Christ, YOU have no defense from the prosecution. We pray this inspires a desire to look at your relationship with Christ and make sure that you have Him truly on your side. Without Him, who’s going to interrupt the prosecution as he’s running down every sin you’ve committed but you don’t have a defense for? Let’s take Christ sacrifice seriously, without it there is no intercession or saving you – especially at your court date. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!