Psalm 30:5

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 30:5 – For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

For many of us, when we are hurt the pain can last for a while. The great part about that is we eventually will get over it, move on and hopefully forgive. Our pain is but for a moment.

For those of us who proclaim to be the children of God; like his son Jesus Christ, we inflect a similar sort of pain on God for our lack of belief. Our lack of belief produces failed commitment, compromise in our convictions and no concern for God’s work or Kingdom business as a whole. When we plow through our days without a godly mindset it causes us pain and weeping (because we know the good we ought to do, but don’t do it). But thank you Jesus, there is rejoicing in the morning. Every day that God gives us is an opportunity to recognize our shortcomings and rededicate ourselves to the service of the Lord. This is something to rejoice about!

As the day is called TODAY, what are you going to do to stop your self-inflicted hurts? Today is a new day and the only day that matters. To my fellow Christian brothers and sisters, let’s make today a day that we live our rejoicing out in practical form! Let’s get back on track with that which is important to God and hold to the convictions of the bible. Don’t be one of the folks who God needs to spank because you’re not doing what he told you to do.

Our prayer today is that you reconnect with the one who loved us first. Yes, we are calling you back into action for the Lord during this spiritual warfare! Whose side are you on anyways?

We pray that this word helps you to think….but moreover move you forward in your relationship with Christ so that your rejoicing is unlimited, no matter what pain you’re experiencing in life right now. Have a blessed day all. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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