DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Joel 2:23 – Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord you God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before.
Today’s passage is absolutely beautiful and a great encouragement. If you just look on the surface of the scripture you’ll see that the writer is referring to the agricultural society in which they lived to give the people insight as to God’s blessings and faithfulness. However, when we dig a bit deeper, we find insight into our lives and how God is still faithful to us today!
It’s interesting how the scripture refers to the times of season that God will provide. Then it goes on to enclose the circle on the seasonal spectrum as we know it. But what could that possibly mean for us today? How does rain in the autumn and spring time pertain to our lives? Well let’s examine it as a cycle of our lives. We all go through it – that is seasons in our lives where we need God’s faithfulness and blessings. Just as in the scripture we see God providing at HIS right time and in the proper season. Furthermore, scripture reveals that there will be multiple seasons in our lives that we need his blessings; and here’s the kicker, just as we have needed him before! What this says to us is that in the cycle of our lives, we will have seasons that need watering and seasons that we are abundantly rained on. In that, God knows when to give us what we NEED (not simply the things we want). In addition to that, he has done it for you and me before. This is a normal cycle under his sovereign dominion. We’ve needed God before and we’ll need him again.
The part where we should be able to give him praise is in the fact that he keeps the harmony of the cycle going! He is the one who sends the rains (blessings) in our time of need. He is faithful; he shows up! He has faithfully been governing the seasonal process and that is something to be glad about! He doesn’t forget what season you or I are in and in HIS due time he will provide the rains. Think about it, how many times has he done it before in your life? Just because you may be in a particular season where there isn’t much watering going on doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have rain in his forecast! He knows when the land is dying or needing to be replenished! He is the giver of life in its entire entirety, why would he just let what he is trying to grow die? He comes at the right time, all of the time!
Today we have more than enough reasons for whatever season you’re in to be glad and give God praise. Do you believe that he is in control of your seasons? If you do, you’ll easily give him glory with a happy heart because you know he always waters what he desires to grow. Grow in Christ gladly and watch how he makes you blossom in your perfect season. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!