Isaiah 12:4-5

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Isaiah 12:4-5 – In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.

The day is TODAY! And for that matter every day that we are given life to awake on this side of heaven is a day to give God thanks, proclaim his graciousness and mercy, and be excited about letting everyone know why he is to be exalted. Do you feel like that today? Are you going through a situation or uncomfortable circumstance that has you worried or discombobulated? It is natural to have feelings of anxiety; especially when everything seems to be going wrong, however, if you get to know who God truly is in his nature, who he has been for you, what he has done for you and how he continues to do for you – I guarantee that you’ll have a very different outlook on your situation. Even you’re being alive this very day (especially if you’re not actively prioritizing Christ in your life) is a great thing to give God praise for! WHY? Simply because you are blatantly being giving another chance to get your relationship with God right! He hasn’t given up on you and decided that your time here on earth is over. That is an amazing reason to give God praise – but do you think so?

Today is the day that we all have something to say. The passage today gives us the words that make our knowledge of who God is come into a reality of action and worship. I suppose if you don’t believe that God is giving you yet another chance to rectify your life with him then maybe you won’t give him praise or exalt him in your life. We won’t praise him, give him any acknowledgment, or let others know he’s real and how’s he’s affected our lives; then are we still here for? What do us as humans do when something isn’t useful to us any longer?…..

Today you are still here! God still has a purpose and plan for your life! What more do you need to be grateful about? Instead of looking to the negatives that surround us all, it’s time to look at the positive and give God his praise and honor today! We have something to say about God and our living is proof of that fact! Connect with God genuinely through his Son Jesus Christ. Find out what makes our relationship with Christ so good that it turns into a continual praise of God for all to hear and see – no matter how long we’re on this planet. Every day is a TODAY moment! Be sure that in this day, you give the Father and our Lord and Savior the praise they deserve. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!


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