

Sunday Service: In person at 11am! 

Weekly Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7pm, in person.



DaySpring Christian Church, is Christ centered church which stands firm on the inerrant word of God which proclaims the Gospel message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We recognize that we are born sinners resulting in a desperate state of hopelessness, as we deserved to be forever away from the presence of God and eternal partakers of destruction. The divine joy we now have is rooted in our belief in the sufficient and authoritative Scriptures which reveals God’s nature and redemptive plan to save us through His Son Jesus Christ. As a result, we stand on the promise of our unchanging God that all those who indeed believe in His Son would not perish but have eternal life.


Our leaders and members are committed to spiritual enrichment and maturity which also comes by the preaching and teaching of God’s Holy word. Therefore, we eagerly encourage one another to pursue a life of holiness as we see the return of Christ drawing near. We understand that no one can commit themselves to righteous living apart from divine intervention. With this in mind we teach that all genuine believers are in a process of transformation as we are becoming more like His Holy Son Jesus Christ, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This on-going process of holiness enables us to spiritually mature in divine love and unity, perpetually growing to love one another beyond what we were once capable of doing but now having the same love with which God eternally loved His son Jesus Christ, in our hearts.


In light of God’s saving grace and tender mercy shown to us, we have determined to cheerfully serve Him, to follow Him, to obey Him, to trust in His word as it reveals plans for our lives. We accept our God-given mission in which He graciously allows His chosen people to participate in building His Kingdom by evangelizing Christ to an unbelieving and perverse world.


Our God has been merciful in dealing with us. Join us and together let us experience this new life of peace given to us by God the father, through believing in His Sovereign Son, the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord.


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